Friday, May 31, 2013

Three Ways to Lower you A/C bills

So far, it has been kind of on the cool side here in the Boise, Idaho area. But, we who live here know it will soon be a "hot time in the old town". It's coming, and will be here before we know it. By next week we'll be in the 80's and we will be turning on the A/C to keep comfortable.
     Are you prepared? There are simple things we can do to keep our electric bill from running a muck this summer. Unlike central heating, which we can shut off, or at least turn down at night, air conditioning is often left on at night to keep us from sleeping too warm. So our A/C runs 12 to 18 hours a day and our electric meter keeps on a humming. What can you do?
      Sign Up For Energy Saving Programs
A lot of electric companies offer energy-saving programs that we sometimes don't think will mean that much, or we don't want to be bothered. Trust me. They help and are worth the time. Idaho Power Company has a device that is retrofitted to your central air system. It monitors the power usage and powers down the compressor at select times during they day and allows the fan to continue circulating the air in your home. You won't even know the difference, comfort wise. But your electric bill will.
     Use a Programmable Thermostat
It's really a simple way to save on energy consumption. Why keep your home cool during the day when you are at work and the kids are in school? Programing it to be off, or at least setting it so the A/C does not come on unless it reaches 80-85 degrees inside will really help. You can also set it so the A/C comes on an hour before you come home, so by the time you arrive the house is comfortable.
     Raise the Thermostat and Supplement With Fans
Raising the thermostat just a few degrees can make a big difference in your cooling bill. In many cases just turning you thermostat up from 72 to, say, 76-78 could save you over a $100! You are probably saying 76-78 is too warm, so now is where ceiling fans, or fans of any kind can be a real benefit. Even if the air is warm, it feels cooler when it is circulating. When the air from the fans reaches your body it cools the skin and we are more comfortable. Also if you wear lighter weight clothing, shorts, shirts, etc you will also add to your comfort.
Try these tips and see if it don't make a difference. Read more of my blogs at www.hvaccomfortguyjerry or go to our website at

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